What Makes Women‘s Cartier Santos Watch So Attractive In 2023

Cartier Santos watch is a popular watch. In fact, this may be one of the best-selling male models of this brand. Fashion and sports, fashion and leisure, Cartier Santos has done all this. After transformation two years ago, this watch has become the first choice of many well-dressed gentlemen. There is even a ridiculously expensive steel dial. This sells well! So, what makes Cartier Santos so attractive?

 Cartier Santos Watch

The story about the origin of Cartier Santos has become a legend. At the beginning of the 20th century, a Brazilian aviation pioneer named Alberto Santos Dumont lived in Paris. He is the heir of a wealthy coffee producer family. This enabled him to devote his life to aviation research and experiments. In fact, many people claim that he was the first person to realize powered flight in 1906. Contrary to the Wright brothers who successfully launched in Kitty Hawk in 1903, but not without help. But this is a story from another era.

Cartier Santos Watch

But Santos Dumont has a problem. Facts have proved that it is impractical to use pocket watches in field tests. Downward is even dangerous. So he asked his friend for help. That friend happens to be Louis Cartier. The grandson of Cartier's founder Louis Franç ois Cartier. He runs Cartier's Paris branch and is responsible for some of the company's most famous designs.

Cartier Santos Watch


After listening to his friends' complaints, he made a flat watch with a unique square bezel. Crucially, he tied a belt on the watch case so that he could wear it on his wrist. In this way, in 1904, the first pilot watch was born.
Santos Dumont likes his new watch very much. He wears it every flight. As a celebrity of that era, it was not long before people noticed something unusual on his wrist. At that time, men did not wear watches. Instead, they wear pocket watches. Santos Dumont, as one of the original influencers, helped to change all this. Curious customers began to ask questions.

Louis Cartier immediately realized this opportunity. Therefore, he commissioned the movement manufacturer Edmund Jaeger to mass-produce this watch. In 1911, Cartier Santos was considered as the first men's watch. It was launched in an era obsessed with progress and became popular overnight. It is no exaggeration to say that Cartier Santos played a key role in giving up pocket watches.

  Cartier Santos Watch


Times are changing and tastes are changing. With the advent of World War II, the popularity of square case watches began to decline. Round case watches are more practical and practical. Therefore, this is what the world military entrusts watch manufacturers to manufacture. A few years later, the soldiers went home with these battle-hardened watches. This, in turn, opened a new trend.

Cartier Santos de Cartier
Fast forward to the decades of the 1970s. The Royal Oak of Audemars Piguet, a Swiss watchmaker, pioneered a new style. Luxury steel sports watch. It wasn't long before Patek Philippe introduced Nautilus.
In order to find a way of capitalization, Alain Dominique Perrin, Cartier's marketing director, revisited Santos. He called it Santos De Cartier. The DNA of primitive people is there, but it is updated with the development of the times. A key change is the introduction of a flat bezel fixed by tiny screws. Similarly, the leather bracelet has been replaced by an integrally riveted metal bracelet. Two key functions are still the core of the design.

 Cartier Santos Watch


The first model is a two-color (steel and gold) watch with reasonable price. Followed by an all-steel model. Cartier Santos was made to meet the luxury needs of the public. In the exciting days of 1980s, it quickly became an "IT" watch. There will be many changes in this brand. It was not until 2016 that the series was put on hold.
Then, in 2018, Cartier launched a new Santos series, which made new and old fans very happy. More refined. More coherent. And as popular as ever.

 2Jewellery women's watch


Modern cartier Santos
Today, Santos is still the only watch in Cartier with the original wearer's name. It has 13 different variants. This includes the original two-color steel and gold versions that caused such a sensation in the 1970s. However, the most attractive model is the all-steel large model. Santos De Cartier refers to WSSA0009. It has once again become the first choice watch for fashion gentlemen all over the world.

Although the name is Santos, its variant is actually not that big. It is 39.8 mm wide and 47.5 mm long, and it fits comfortably on your wrist. This is due to the fact that the shell is only 9.08 mm thick. Not ultra-thin, but thin enough to slide under the cuffs.

2Jewellery women's watch

Cartier is famous for its beautiful watch case. Cartier Santos is a good example. See how the horn bends down seamlessly into an integrated bracelet. This is a beautiful thing. The seven-sided crown is inlaid with a synthetic blue spinel. This is a screw-down type. This helps to give Cartier Santos a waterproof rating of 100 meters (330 feet).
The design of a square dial with a round edge makes people recognize it at a glance. Unique silver ivory design, with black style Roman numerals marking hours. An internal chapter rings for minutes. Of course, there is also a sword-shaped green steel hand. A date window appears at 6 o'clock. The dial adopts the iconic square bezel. It is polished and fixed in place by eight screws. It stands out against the brushed surface of the watch case and bracelet.

 2Jewellery women's watch


First of all, Cartier Santos is a very nice watch. It is very manly, but it has some beautiful curves. It is also very versatile. You can wear it on formal occasions, but it is not a traditional dress watch like calatrava. Similarly, it is very sporty, but not as casual as Seamaster. Interchangeable straps also add a lot to the combination. Not to mention internal movement. And the price is reasonable.
However, it is so popular because of its enduring design. Today's Cartier Santos looks not much different from the model first conceived by Luis Cartier more than a century ago. Functionality, practicality and intrinsic attraction. What else can you ask for a luxury watch?



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